CareHub Network Management

July 18 2024 release

Referral Management

About page

Adding/removing CareHub Administrators

Organization settings

Resend the Carehub agreement

Levels of Access

Updating the About page

Organizations page

Program Count

Manage button (settings review)

Accessing your CareHub

Administrators page

Adding a new organization

Member Status

Programs page

Referral Management

With the CareHub bundle, your organization can coordinate and track bidirectional referrals across the community – from any system or source - to improve communication, share decision-making, and build mutual trust in community health programs all within CareLink.

  • Ability to send/receive referrals with Hub member programs
  • Analytics and reporting spanning all member programs within a Hub
  • Standard processes, measures, and assessments within a Hub using blueprints
  • Increased communication and collaboration amongst Hub member Programs
  • Decreased time to address patient needs within a Hub

Levels of Access

There are 3 levels of access to client record from the CareHub Network:

  1. Static Referral Sources* 

Static referral directory- with these referral sources; your team will have to manually update the referral status.

    • No access to the CareHub
    • No access to the client record 
    • *reach out to your Account Manager to complete set up
  1. CBO Referral Partners 

Once established; partners will be able to sign into the platform, manage their own users, and manage their referrals. Referral partner should commit to logging into CareLink and respond to referrals within a timely manner as well as keep account/program profile pages up-to- date.

    • Active within your CareHub Network 
    • Partial access to the client record 
      1. They cannot see your outreach notes, sections, data fields, conversations, care contacts,  - only the client’s demographics and the details of the referral 
      2. Can start conversations within the referral 
      3. Information for the person who submitted the referral **email address if programed 
      4. Attachments within the referral 
      5. Can send additional referral to other programs within the hub 

3. CareHub Owner

    • Maintain full access to all the client records
Levels of access

Accessing your CareHub

The CareHub is what houses the list of your referral partners. CareHub Administrators & Program Administrators will have access to the Carehub to invite and/or remove organizations and programs from the CareHub, send the organization a hub agreement, and overall manage referral source access.

Note: CareHub Administrators do not have to be Program Administrators

  1. Navigate to the Blue Sidebar: Locate the blue sidebar on your screen.
  2. Select Your Hub Name: Under the "HUBS" section, click on the name of your CareHub.
  3. Go to the About Page: You will be directed to the About page of your organization's CareHub.

The CareHub consists of four primary sections: About, Administrators, Organizations, & Programs.

About page

The About page in CareHub is a central location where CareHub Administrators can review and manage essential details about their CareHub. This page includes:

  1. Name

The CareHub name will be visible in the left navigation bar as well as in the invitation link when inviting organization to join your CareHub.

  1. Description

A Free text-box, information you add in this area will be included in the footer of every CareHub- related notification email.

Select the Edit button to edit access additional fields

  1. Hub Agreement

You can review and update your Hub agreement text here- Remember, a referral partner will be asked to accept this agreement. the agreement and make

  1. Geography Covered

In this area, you can specify what region your CareHub services. This geography will be listed as the default service area for programs that do not specify information on their own service area.

Administrators can use this page to ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date, helping maintain clear and consistent communication within the CareHub network.

Updating the About page

  1. Select the Edit Button: Navigate to the About page and click on the Edit button.
  2. Navigate to the Section: Scroll to the section you need to edit.
  3. Edit the Text: Click on the text box of the section. These boxes are free-text, highlight the text fields with your cursor and press delete on your keyboard to remove the existing text.
  4. Save Changes: Once you have finished editing, click on Update Hub to save your changes.

Administrators page

The Administrator page provides a comprehensive list of all your CareHub Administrators. These administrators have the authority to invite new referral partners to join CareHub as well as remove existing ones. There must always be at least one active CareHub Administrator.

Adding or Removing Users as CareHub Administrators

Adding CareHub Administrators

  1. Navigate to the Administrators page of the CareHub.
  2. Select the "Select an existing program member to become an administrator" link and type the name of the user you want to add as a CareHub Administrator.
  3. In the Search box, type the name of the *user you wish to add as a CareHub Administrator

The user needs to be a staff member within your program first

  1. Select the user's name, the page will automatically refresh, granting the user selected CareHub Administrator permissions.

Removing CareHub Administrators

  1. Navigate to the Administrators page of the CareHub.
  2. Click on the remove button next to the user's name.
  3. A confirmation pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the removal.

Once confirmed, the user will be removed from the list and no longer have CareHub Administrator access.

Organization page

On the Organizations page, CareHub Administrators have several key capabilities:

  • Add a new organization: Administrators can include new organizations within the CareHub.
  • View Organizations List: Administrators can access comprehensive list of organizations currently affiliated with the CareHub & access the organization's settings to manage CareHub access and program information.
  • Program Count: Administrators can see the number of programs associated with each organization.
  • Member Status: They have visibility into the status of members within each organization.
  • Actions: Administrators can send the Hub agreement to organizations as needed.
  • Manage: Manage the access to programs within the Carehub.

Add a new organization

Organizations added to your CareHub will be able to send and receive referrals to & from your organization. CareHub partners are able to sign into the platform, manage their own users, and manage their referrals. Referral partners also have access to the organization's should commit to keep account/program profile to keep pages up-to- date.

  1. Navigate to the Organizations Page
  2. Click on Add an organization button

This action will automatically redirect you to the New Organization page. Follow the 3 steps to create the organization

  • Step 1 Organization name

Fill out the organization details

  • Step 2 (Optional): Invite an administrator

Once organization is saved, an email will be automatically sent to the Administrator of the organization. They will be prompted to create their CareLink credentials and sign-off on the CareHub agreement.

  • Step 3 Add Programs

Enter the program names(s), once program is created, you can edit the additional program detail information.

  1. Click on Save to add the organization to your CareHub.

Once the organization is successfully created, you will see it listed on the Organizations page.

Organization List

From the Organizations page, you can access a list of the organizations added to your CareHub and access the settings for each organization. Select the organization's name to:

  • Edit Profile Information: Update the organization's profile details to ensure all information is current.
  • Manage Program Access: Adjust the organization's access to various programs within the CareHub.
  • Remove Organization: Remove the organization from the CareHub if needed.

Program count

This column displays the number of programs associated with each organization. It provides a quick overview of how many programs each organization is involved in within the CareHub.

Member Status

The Member Status column provides a quick view of each organization's status within the CareHub.

Filtering by Member Status: You can filter the organizations by their member status using the filter located underneath the "Add an Organization" button.

Member Status options:

  1. Active

The organization Administrator reviewed and agreed to the CareHub agreement. The organization's Administrator has access to CareLink.

  1. Invited

A CareHub agreement was emailed to the organization Administrator.

  1. Not Invited

Static referral organizations will be listed as this status.

Partners do not have access to CareLink.


From the Actions column CareHub Administrators are able to send CareHub agreements. Select the Send Agreement link to have the agreement emailed to the organization's Administrator.


The manage button takes CareHub Administrator to the Organization's information like their time zone, primary location, hours of operation & the people they serve.

Programs page

The Programs page includes a comprehensive list of all program within your CareHub, these program can send or receive referrals to your organization.

The page can be filtered by Partner level, referral status, and last update date.

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