Adding, Removing, & Disabling Users

This functionality is only available for Program Administrators

Adding a user Removing a user Disabling a user

Adding a new user

  1. Click on your program name on the blue navigation bar
  2. On the grey bar, select the People's link
  3. From the drop down menu, select Staff

  1. On the staff page, select the Add new staff member link & select Someone new
    1. If the user has access to CareLink from another program- you can use the search box to search for the user and add them to your program.

  1. On the Add new page, fill out the user's information
    1. Email (mandatory field)
    2. First name & Last name (mandatory field)
    3. Program role- this will auto default to your organization's role by alphebtical order
    4. Job title
    5. NPI
    6. Make this staff a program administrator field: If the user needs program administrator permissions, select this box.
    7. Groups: If your program has groups created- you will see a list of groups that the user can be added to
    8. Select when the invite is sent
    9. Check off the certified box

  1. Select Save to create the user profile

Removing users

Removing a user allows the user to continue to access CareLink but removes all permissions to your programs data like: care plan access, project access, and analytics.

Removing a user is recommended when they work with other programs- this gives them the ability to continue to log into CareLink.

  1. Click on your program name on the blue navigation bar
  2. On the grey bar, select the People's link
  3. From the drop down menu, select Staff

  1. Locate the user on your staff list and select the Manage button

  1. On the staff page, select the red Remove from Program Space button

  1. A confirmation modal will appear, select Confirm to proceed with removing the user from your program

Disabling a user's account

Please contact our support team at to disable a user's account.

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